Electronic book PDF Into the Magical World of Poetry
Electronic book PDF Into the Magical World of Poetry
This is Electronic book (E-book) in PDF Format : Into the Magical World of Poetry Into the Magical World of Poetry Some time ago God blessed me with the gift of writing. I cant say I always acknowledged my gift even though I always knew it was there. Many people feel when theyve been given something special that its theirs and they dont have to share it or let it known. I feel differently about this. I feel that God blesses us with different gifts so that we can all shine and be a blessing to others. Sharing our gifts with the world is one way of letting God know just how much we appreciate what he has done in our lives so that we may be blessed enough to touch others in a special way. Ive had a heart for children, even when I was a child myself, so bringing laughter and joy into their young lives means everything to me. If I can bring something into the lives of others than Ive shown God my appreciation for what hes given me to share with others.